Registrar with good security, DNS hosting, and DNSSEC and IPv6 resolvers?

Don't let the name fool you but you should check out easydns as an option. They may not be as cheap as GoDaddy but they have been around for a long time and they handle some big companies. Their about page says it all. The complete feature list is here. I have never used them personally but I've heard their name come up a few times.

  • Register/Transfer domains
  • IPv6
  • Native Support for Amazon AWS Route53 DNS (GUI and DNS Mirroring)
  • I am not sure about HTTP-only login cookies, No stupid password restrictions and Two-factor authentications as they are related to their control panel and frankly I would be surprised if they didn't have these.
  • I'm not sure about reporting and such but you should send them an email or give them a call. They have add on features.

I also thought of UltraDNS owned by Neustar but I don't think they operate like a regular domain registrar. I have used UltraDNS before once for an online casino project and they did the job well.

Honestly if you need an extensive DNS package and feature set find a company that does DNS specifically like EasyDNS or UltraDNS and use them for your DNS needs. Then just find the cheapest domain registrar you can find. Or just stick with GoDaddy if they got the right stuff.

disclaimer I don't work for any of these companies either so I couldn't care less if you go with them or not. I use godaddy because with the right coupon promo code they are cheap for domain registration and quite frankly I have never needed to call for support. One of these days I'll probably get fed up with Godaddy's fisherprice control panel and annoying sales tactics and switch.