Regex: Get Filename Without Extension in One Shot?

Try this:


This will:

  • Capture filenames that start with a dot (e.g. .logs is a file named .logs, not a file extension), which is common in Unix.
  • Gets everything but the last dot: gets you
  • Handles files with no dot: secret-letter gets you secret-letter.

Note: as commenter j_random_hacker suggested, this performs as advertised, but you might want to precede things with an anchor for readability purposes.

Everything followed by a dot followed by one or more characters that's not a dot, followed by the end-of-string:


The everything-before-the-last-dot is grouped for easy retrieval.

If you aren't 100% sure every file will have an extension, try:


  1. Gets the Path without the last \
  2. The file without extension
  3. The the extension with a .



Does not support multiple . in file name Does support . in file path

how about 2 captures one for the end and one for the filename.




