Regex for Mobile Number with or without Country Code

Simple regexp for Indian mobile number validation: /^[0]?[789]\d{9}$/

Support 08888888888(Zero appending) 7878787878,8634456876,9545559877(any mobile number precede by 7,8,9 and followed by other 9 digits)

Full function

function mobileNumber(){

     var Number = document.getElementById('YOUR ELEMENT ID').value;
     var IndNum = /^[0]?[789]\d{9}$/;


        $('#errMessage').text('please enter valid mobile number');


From what I can see, this should work. The prefix is optional and is stored into the first match group, with the main number going into the second group.


But if you can give us some test cases for each, it'd help us in giving you a working regex for what you want.

Props to SchlaWiener in the comments for the correct limit on the country code length.