Refined Partitions

Pyth, 19 bytes


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I'm using Pyth's tuple/list format as input. Simply replace the spaces of the test cases with commas.


                     implicit: Q is the evaluated input
    m        Q       map each input list d to:
      .u   dY          reduce with intermediate states over d, initial value = []
        +NY              update initial value N with sum of N and Y (current element of d)
     {                 generate a set
   _                 invert
 gF                  check, if the first element is >= (superset) than the second
&                    and
                sMQ  check, if the joined lists of the input
              qF     are equal

Since the pseudo-code is still a little bit confusing, I'll demonstrate the algorithm using an example input.

Input: [[1,0,9],[1,3,8]],[[1],[0,9],[1,3],[8]]

The .u+NYdY part computes all continuous sublists, that contain the first element.

[[1,0,9],[1,3,8]]     => [[], [1,0,9], [1,0,9,1,3,8]]
[[1],[0,9],[1,3],[8]] => [[], [1], [1,0,9], [1,0,9,1,3], [1,0,9,1,3,8]]

B is a refinement of the A, iff each continuous sublist of A is also a continuous sublist of B (there's only one exception).

So I simply check, if the set of continuous sublists of A is a subset of the set of continuous sublists of B (gF_m.u+NYdYQ).

The only exception is, if the first input list contains less elements than the second input list. For instance <Fm.u+YdYQ would return True for the input [[1]],[[1],[2]].

Therefore I also check if the joined lists are also equal &...qFsMQ.

JavaScript (ES6), 67 70

Edit 3 bytes saved thx @apsillers

Run the snippet below in Firefox to test

f=(a,b)=>a+''==b // same values in the lists ?
&![...a.join(' ')].some((c,p)=>c<','&b.join(c)[p]>c) // splits in a are present in b?


out=x=>O.innerHTML += x+'\n';




OK.forEach(l=>out(f(l[0],l[1])+' a['+dump(l[0])+'] b['+dump(l[1])+']'));
KO.forEach(l=>out(f(l[0],l[1])+' a['+dump(l[0])+'] b['+dump(l[1])+']'));
<pre id=O></pre>

C, 69 75

A function with 2 string parameters, returning 0 or 1.

Parameter format: sublist separated with spaces (' '), list elements separated with commas.

Example: "1,0,9 1,3,8" "1,0 9,1,3,8"


Less golfed

int f(char *a, char *b)
    // expected in a,b: digit,separator,digit... with separator being ' ' or ','
    for(; *a; a++,b++)
       // ' ' or digit in a must be the same in b
       // comma in a must be comma or space in b
       if (*a != ',' ? *b != *a : *b > *a) return 0;
    return !*b; // must have a null in *b too

Test Ideone (outdated)