ReferenceError: resolve is not defined

You don't call resolve() from within a .then() handler. There is no such function defined there. If you want to set the resolved value of the promise from within a .then() handler, you can just return that value.

Change this:

.then(function(responses) {
      console.log("Result: ", JSON.stringify(responses[0]));

to this:

.then(function(responses) {
      console.log("Result: ", JSON.stringify(responses[0]));
      return responses[0];

FYI, the resolve() you are likely thinking of is an argument to the new Promise executor callback:

let p = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {

And, this is the context in which you would use it.

Before using resolve you need to pass the resolve as argument:

In this case,

return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
'YOUR URL HERE', params)
                .then(response => {                    
                    resolve() // Here you can use resolve as it passed as argument

Note: You can use GET, POST for the axios call