Redraw an image with just one closed curve

Python: Hilbert curve (373 361)

I decided to draw a Hilbert curve with variable granularity depending on the image intensity:

import pylab as pl
from scipy.misc import imresize, imfilter
import turtle

# load image
img = pl.flipud(pl.imread("face.png"))

# setup turtle
levels = 8
size = 2**levels
turtle.setup(img.shape[1] * 4.2, img.shape[0] * 4.2)
turtle.setworldcoordinates(0, 0, size, -size)
turtle.tracer(1000, 0)

# resize and blur image
img = imfilter(imresize(img, (size, size)), 'blur')

# define recursive hilbert curve
def hilbert(level, angle = 90):
    if level == 0:
    if level == 1 and img[-turtle.pos()[1], turtle.pos()[0]] > 128:
        turtle.forward(2**level - 1)
        hilbert(level - 1, -angle)
        hilbert(level - 1, angle)
        hilbert(level - 1, angle)
        hilbert(level - 1, -angle)

# draw hilbert curve

Actually I planned to make decisions on different levels of detail, like "This spot is so bright, I'll stop the recursion and move to the next block!". But evaluating image intensity locally leading to large movements is very inaccurate and looks ugly. So I ended up with only deciding whether to skip level 1 or to draw another Hilbert loop.

Here is the result on the first test image:


Thanks to @githubphagocyte the rendering is pretty fast (using turtle.tracer). Thus I don't have to wait all night for a result and can go to my well-deserved bed. :)

Some code golf

@flawr: "short program"? You haven't seen the golfed version! ;)

So just for fun:

from pylab import*;from scipy.misc import*;from turtle import*
def h(l,a=90):
 if l==1and i[-y,x]>128:f(2**l-1)
  if l:l-=1;r(a);h(l,-a);f(1);r(-a);h(l,a);f(1);h(l,a);r(-a);f(1);h(l,-a);r(a)

(373 361 characters. But it will take forever since I remove the turte.tracer(...) command!)

Animation by flawr

flawr: My algorithm is slightly modified to what @DenDenDo told me: I had to delete some points in every iteration because the convergence would slow down drastically. That's why the curve will intersect itself.

enter image description here

Java : Dot matrix style

Since nobody has answered the question yet I'll give it a shot. First I wanted to fill a canvas with Hilbert curves, but in the end I've opted for a simpler approach:

dot matrix style mona lisa

Here is the code:

import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;

import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JScrollPane;

public class LineArt extends JPanel {
    private BufferedImage ref;
    //Images are stored in integers:
    int[] images = new int[] {31, 475, 14683, 469339};
    int[] brightness = new int[] {200,170,120,0};

    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        new LineArt(args[0]);

    public LineArt(String filename) throws Exception {
        ref = File(filename));
        JFrame frame = new JFrame();
        frame.setSize(ref.getWidth()*5, ref.getHeight()*5);
        this.setPreferredSize(new Dimension((ref.getWidth()*5)+20, (ref.getHeight()*5)+20));
        frame.add(new JScrollPane(this));

    public void paint(Graphics g) {
        Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g;
        g2d.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
        g2d.translate(10, 10);
        g2d.drawLine(0, 0, 4, 0);
        g2d.drawLine(0, 0, 0, ref.getHeight()*5);

        for(int y = 0; y<ref.getHeight();y++) {
            for(int x = 1; x<ref.getWidth()-1;x++) {
                int light = new Color(ref.getRGB(x, y)).getRed();
                int offset = 0;
                while(brightness[offset]>light) offset++;
                for(int i = 0; i<25;i++) {
                    if((images[offset]&1<<i)>0) {
                        g2d.drawRect((x*5)+i%5, (y*5)+(i/5), 0,0);
            g2d.drawLine(2, (y*5), 4, (y*5));
            g2d.drawLine((ref.getWidth()*5)-5, (y*5), (ref.getWidth()*5)-1, (y*5));
            if(y%2==0) {
                g2d.drawLine((ref.getWidth()*5)-1, (y*5), (ref.getWidth()*5)-1, (y*5)+4);
            } else {
                g2d.drawLine(2, (y*5), 2, (y*5)+4);
        if(ref.getHeight()%2==0) {
            g2d.drawLine(0, ref.getHeight()*5, 2, ref.getHeight()*5);
        } else {
            g2d.drawLine(0, ref.getHeight()*5, (ref.getWidth()*5)-1, ref.getHeight()*5);

Update: Now it creates a cycle, not just a single line

Python 3.4 - Traveling Salesman Problem

The program creates a dithered image from the original:

enter image description here enter image description here

For each black pixel a point is randomly generated near the pixel centre and these points are treated as a traveling salesman problem. The program saves an html file containing an SVG image at regular intervals as it attempts to reduce the path length. The path starts out self intersecting and gradually becomes less so over a number of hours. Eventually the path is no longer self intersecting:

enter image description here

enter image description here

Traveling Salesman image approximation.

import os.path

from PIL import Image   # This uses Pillow, the PIL fork for Python 3.4
from random import random, sample, randrange, shuffle
from time import perf_counter

def make_line_picture(image_filename):
    '''Save SVG image of closed curve approximating input image.'''
    input_image_path = os.path.abspath(image_filename)
    image =
    width, height = image.size
    scale = 1024 / width
    head, tail = os.path.split(input_image_path)
    output_tail = 'TSP_' + os.path.splitext(tail)[0] + '.html'
    output_filename = os.path.join(head, output_tail)
    points = generate_points(image)
    population = len(points)
    save_dither(points, image)
    grid_cells = [set() for i in range(width * height)]
    line_cells = [set() for i in range(population)]
    print('Initialising acceleration grid')
    for i in range(population):
        recalculate_cells(i, width, points, grid_cells, line_cells)
    while True:
        save_svg(output_filename, width, height, points, scale)
        improve_TSP_solution(points, width, grid_cells, line_cells)
def save_dither(points, image):
    '''Save a copy of the dithered image generated for approximation.'''
    image = image.copy()
    pixels = list(image.getdata())
    pixels = [255] * len(pixels)
    width, height = image.size
    for p in points:
        x = int(p[0])
        y = int(p[1])
        pixels[x+y*width] = 0
    image.putdata(pixels)'dither_test.png', 'PNG')

def generate_points(image):
    '''Return a list of points approximating the image.
    All points are offset by small random amounts to prevent parallel lines.'''
    width, height = image.size
    image = image.convert('L')
    pixels = image.getdata()
    points = []
    gap = 1
    r = random
    for y in range(2*gap, height - 2*gap, gap):
        for x in range(2*gap, width - 2*gap, gap):
            if (r()+r()+r()+r()+r()+r())/6 < 1 - pixels[x + y*width]/255:
                        points.append((x + r()*0.5 - 0.25,
                                       y + r()*0.5 - 0.25))
    print('Total number of points', len(points))
    print('Total length', current_total_length(points))
    return points
def current_total_length(points):
    '''Return the total length of the current closed curve approximation.'''
    population = len(points)
    return sum(distance(points[i], points[(i+1)%population])
               for i in range(population))
def recalculate_cells(i, width, points, grid_cells, line_cells):
    '''Recalculate the grid acceleration cells for the line from point i.'''
    for j in line_cells[i]:
        except KeyError:
    line_cells[i] = set()
    add_cells_along_line(i, width, points, grid_cells, line_cells)
    for j in line_cells[i]:

def add_cells_along_line(i, width, points, grid_cells, line_cells):
    '''Add each grid cell that lies on the line from point i.'''
    population = len(points)
    start_coords = points[i]
    start_x, start_y = start_coords
    end_coords = points[(i+1) % population]
    end_x, end_y = end_coords
    gradient = (end_y - start_y) / (end_x - start_x)
    y_intercept = start_y - gradient * start_x
    total_distance = distance(start_coords, end_coords)
    x_direction = end_x - start_x
    y_direction = end_y - start_y
    x, y = start_x, start_y
    grid_x, grid_y = int(x), int(y)
    grid_index = grid_x + grid_y * width
    while True:
        if x_direction > 0:
            x_line = int(x + 1)
            x_line = int(x)
            if x_line == x:
                x_line = x - 1
        if y_direction > 0:
            y_line = int(y + 1)
            y_line = int(y)
            if y_line == y:
                y_line = y - 1
        x_line_intersection = gradient * x_line + y_intercept
        y_line_intersection = (y_line - y_intercept) / gradient
        x_line_distance = distance(start_coords, (x_line, x_line_intersection))
        y_line_distance = distance(start_coords, (y_line_intersection, y_line))
        if (x_line_distance > total_distance and
            y_line_distance > total_distance):
        if x_line_distance < y_line_distance:
            x = x_line
            y = gradient * x_line + y_intercept
            y = y_line
            x = (y_line - y_intercept) / gradient
        grid_x = int(x - (x_direction < 0) * (x == int(x)))
        grid_y = int(y - (y_direction < 0) * (y == int(y)))
        grid_index = grid_x + grid_y * width
def improve_TSP_solution(points, width, grid_cells, line_cells,
                         performance=[0,0,0], total_length=None):
    '''Apply 3 approaches, allocating time to each based on performance.'''
    population = len(points)
    if total_length is None:
        total_length = current_total_length(points)
    print('Swapping pairs of vertices')
    if performance[0] == max(performance):
        time_limit = 300
        time_limit = 10
    print('    Aiming for {} seconds'.format(time_limit))
    start_time = perf_counter()
    for n in range(1000000):
        swap_two_vertices(points, width, grid_cells, line_cells)
        if perf_counter() - start_time > time_limit:
    time_taken = perf_counter() - start_time
    old_length = total_length
    total_length = current_total_length(points)
    performance[0] = (old_length - total_length) / time_taken
    print('    Time taken', time_taken)
    print('    Total length', total_length)
    print('    Performance', performance[0])
    print('Moving single vertices')
    if performance[1] == max(performance):
        time_limit = 300
        time_limit = 10
    print('    Aiming for {} seconds'.format(time_limit))
    start_time = perf_counter()
    for n in range(1000000):
        move_a_single_vertex(points, width, grid_cells, line_cells)
        if perf_counter() - start_time > time_limit:
    time_taken = perf_counter() - start_time
    old_length = total_length
    total_length = current_total_length(points)
    performance[1] = (old_length - total_length) / time_taken
    print('    Time taken', time_taken)
    print('    Total length', total_length)
    print('    Performance', performance[1])

    print('Uncrossing lines')
    if performance[2] == max(performance):
        time_limit = 60
        time_limit = 10
    print('    Aiming for {} seconds'.format(time_limit))
    start_time = perf_counter()
    for n in range(1000000):
        uncross_lines(points, width, grid_cells, line_cells)
        if perf_counter() - start_time > time_limit:
    time_taken = perf_counter() - start_time        
    old_length = total_length
    total_length = current_total_length(points)
    performance[2] = (old_length - total_length) / time_taken
    print('    Time taken', time_taken)
    print('    Total length', total_length)
    print('    Performance', performance[2])
def swap_two_vertices(points, width, grid_cells, line_cells):
    '''Attempt to find a pair of vertices that reduce length when swapped.'''
    population = len(points)
    for n in range(100):
        candidates = sample(range(population), 2)
        befores = [(candidates[i] - 1) % population
                   for i in (0,1)]
        afters = [(candidates[i] + 1) % population for i in (0,1)]
        current_distance = sum((distance(points[befores[i]],
                                         points[candidates[i]]) +
                               for i in (0,1))
         points[candidates[1]]) = (points[candidates[1]],
        befores = [(candidates[i] - 1) % population
                   for i in (0,1)]
        afters = [(candidates[i] + 1) % population for i in (0,1)]
        new_distance = sum((distance(points[befores[i]],
                                     points[candidates[i]]) +
                           for i in (0,1))
        if new_distance > current_distance:
             points[candidates[1]]) = (points[candidates[1]],
            modified_points = tuple(set(befores + candidates))
            for k in modified_points:
                recalculate_cells(k, width, points, grid_cells, line_cells)

def move_a_single_vertex(points, width, grid_cells, line_cells):
    '''Attempt to find a vertex that reduces length when moved elsewhere.'''
    for n in range(100):
        population = len(points)
        candidate = randrange(population)
        offset = randrange(2, population - 1)
        new_location = (candidate + offset) % population
        before_candidate = (candidate - 1) % population
        after_candidate = (candidate + 1) % population
        before_new_location = (new_location - 1) % population
        old_distance = (distance(points[before_candidate], points[candidate]) +
                        distance(points[candidate], points[after_candidate]) +
        new_distance = (distance(points[before_candidate],
                                 points[after_candidate]) +
                                 points[candidate]) +
                        distance(points[candidate], points[new_location]))
        if new_distance <= old_distance:
            if new_location < candidate:
                points[:] = (points[:new_location] +
                             points[candidate:candidate + 1] +
                             points[new_location:candidate] +
                             points[candidate + 1:])
                for k in range(candidate - 1, new_location, -1):
                    for m in line_cells[k]:
                    line_cells[k] = line_cells[k - 1]
                    for m in line_cells[k]:
                for k in ((new_location - 1) % population,
                          new_location, candidate):
                    recalculate_cells(k, width, points, grid_cells, line_cells)
                points[:] = (points[:candidate] +
                             points[candidate + 1:new_location] +
                             points[candidate:candidate + 1] +
                for k in range(candidate, new_location - 3):
                    for m in line_cells[k]:
                    line_cells[k] = line_cells[k + 1]
                    for m in line_cells[k]:
                for k in ((candidate - 1) % population,
                          new_location - 2, new_location - 1):
                    recalculate_cells(k, width, points, grid_cells, line_cells)
def uncross_lines(points, width, grid_cells, line_cells):
    '''Attempt to find lines that are crossed, and reverse path to uncross.'''
    population = len(points)
    for n in range(100):
        i = randrange(population)
        start_1 = points[i]
        end_1 = points[(i + 1) % population]
        if not line_cells[i]:
            recalculate_cells(i, width, points, grid_cells, line_cells)
        for cell in line_cells[i]:
            for j in grid_cells[cell]:
                if i != j and i != (j+1)%population and i != (j-1)%population:
                    start_2 = points[j]
                    end_2 = points[(j + 1) % population]
                    if are_crossed(start_1, end_1, start_2, end_2):
                        if i < j:
                            points[i + 1:j + 1] = reversed(points[i + 1:j + 1])
                            for k in range(i, j + 1):
                                recalculate_cells(k, width, points, grid_cells,
                            points[j + 1:i + 1] = reversed(points[j + 1:i + 1])
                            for k in range(j, i + 1):
                                recalculate_cells(k, width, points, grid_cells,

def are_crossed(start_1, end_1, start_2, end_2):
    '''Return True if the two lines intersect.'''
    if end_1[0]-start_1[0] and end_2[0]-start_2[0]:
        gradient_1 = (end_1[1]-start_1[1])/(end_1[0]-start_1[0])
        gradient_2 = (end_2[1]-start_2[1])/(end_2[0]-start_2[0])
        if gradient_1-gradient_2:
            intercept_1 = start_1[1] - gradient_1 * start_1[0]
            intercept_2 = start_2[1] - gradient_2 * start_2[0]        
            x = (intercept_2 - intercept_1) / (gradient_1 - gradient_2)
            if (x-start_1[0]) * (end_1[0]-x) > 0 and (x-start_2[0]) * (end_2[0]-x) > 0:
                return True

def distance(point_1, point_2):
    '''Return the Euclidean distance between the two points.'''
    return sum((point_1[i] - point_2[i]) ** 2 for i in (0, 1)) ** 0.5
def save_svg(filename, width, height, points, scale):
    '''Save a file containing an SVG path of the points.'''
    print('Saving partial solution\n')
    with open(filename, 'w') as file:
        file.write(content(width, height, points, scale))
def content(width, height, points, scale):
    '''Return the full content to be written to the SVG file.'''
    return (header(width, height, scale) +
            specifics(points, scale) +
def header(width, height,scale):
    '''Return the text of the SVG header.'''
    return ('<?xml version="1.0"?>\n'
            '<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.0//EN"\n'
            '    "">\n'
            '<svg width="{0}" height="{1}">\n'
            '<title>Traveling Salesman Problem</title>\n'
            '<desc>An approximate solution to the Traveling Salesman Problem</desc>\n'
            ).format(scale*width, scale*height)
def specifics(points, scale):
    '''Return text for the SVG path command.'''
    population = len(points)
    x1, y1 = points[-1]
    x2, y2 = points[0]
    x_mid, y_mid = (x1 + x2) / 2, (y1 + y2) / 2
    text = '<path d="M{},{} L{},{} '.format(x1, y1, x2, y2)
    for i in range(1, population):
        text += 'L{},{} '.format(*points[i])
    text += '" stroke="black" fill="none" stroke-linecap="round" transform="scale({0},{0})" vector-effect="non-scaling-stroke" stroke-width="3"/>'.format(scale)
    return text

def footer():
    '''Return the closing text of the SVG file.'''
    return '\n</svg>\n'
if __name__ == '__main__':
    import sys
    arguments = sys.argv[1:]
    if arguments:
        print('Required argument: image file')

The program uses 3 different approaches to improving the solution, and measures the performance per second for each. The time allocated to each approach is adjusted to give the majority of time to whatever approach is best performing at that time.

I initially tried guessing what proportion of time to allocate to each approach, but it turns out that which approach is most effective varies considerably during the course of the process, so it makes a big difference to keep adjusting automatically.

The three simple approaches are:

  1. Pick two points at random and swap them if this does not increase the total length.
  2. Pick one point at random and a random offset along the list of points and move it if the length does not increase.
  3. Pick a line at random and check whether any other line crosses it, reversing any section of path that causes a cross.

For approach 3 a grid is used, listing all of the lines that pass through a given cell. Rather than have to check every line on the page for intersection, only those that have a grid cell in common are checked.

I got the idea for using the traveling salesman problem from a blog post that I saw before this challenge was posted, but I couldn't track it down when I posted this answer. I believe the image in the challenge was produced using a traveling salesman approach too, combined with some kind of path smoothing to remove the sharp turns.

I still can't find the specific blog post but I have now found reference to the original papers in which the Mona Lisa was used to demonstrate the traveling salesman problem.

The TSP implementation here is a hybrid approach which I experimented with for fun for this challenge. I hadn't read the linked papers when I posted this. My approach is painfully slow by comparison. Note that my image here uses less than 10,000 points, and takes many hours to converge enough to have no crossing lines. The example image in the link to the papers uses 100,000 points...

Unfortunately most of the links seem to be dead now, but the paper "TSP Art" by Craig S Kaplan & Robert Bosch 2005 still works and gives an interesting overview of different approaches.