Redis scan count: How to force SCAN to return all keys matching a pattern?

With the code below you will scan the 1000 first object from cursor 0

SCAN 0 MATCH "foo:bar:*" COUNT 1000 

In result, you will get a new cursor to recall


To scan 1000 next object. Then when you increase COUNT from 1000 to 10000 and retrieve data you scan more keys then in your case match more keys.

To scan the entire list you need to recall SCAN until the cursor give in response return zero (i.e entire scan)

Use INFO command to get your amount of keys like


Then call


Just going to put this here for anyone interested in how to do it using the python redis library:

import redis
redis_server = redis.StrictRedis(host=settings.redis_ip, port=6379, db=0)
mid_results = []
cur, results = redis_server.scan(0,'foo:bar:*',1000)
mid_results += results

while cur != 0:
    cur, results = redis_server.scan(cur,'foo:bar:*',1000)
    mid_results += results

final_uniq_results = set(mid_results)

It took me a few days to figure this out, but basically each scan will return a tuple.


(cursor, results_list)

(5433L, [... keys here ...])
(3244L, [... keys here, maybe ...])
(6543L, [... keys here, duplicates maybe too ...])
(0L, [... last items here ...])
  • Keep scanning cursor until it returns to 0.
  • There is a guarantee it will return to 0.
  • Even if the scan returns an empty results_list between scans.
  • However, as noted by @Josh in the comments, SCAN is not guaranteed to terminate under a race condition where inserts are happening at the same time.

I had a hard time figuring out what the cursor number was and why I would randomly get an empty list, or repeated items, but even though I knew I had just put items in.

After reading:


It made more sense, but still there is some deep programming magic and compromises happening to iterate the sets.

Reminder this is a trivial task if you're using the scan_iter method on the redis python library:

from redis import StrictRedis

redis = StrictRedis.from_url(REDIS_URI)

keys = []
for key in redis.scan_iter('foo:bar:*', 1000):

In the end, keys will contain all the keys you would get by applying @khanou 's method.

This is also more efficient than doing shell scripts, since those spawn a new client on each iteration of the loop.

