Redis: NOAUTH Authentication required but there is no password setting

We also faced a similar issue. Looks like someone scanned AWS, connected to all public redis servers, and possibly ran "CONFIG SET REQUIREPASS ''", thus locking down the running instance of redis. Once you restart redis, the config is restored to normal.

Best thing would be to use AWS security group policy and block port 6379 for public.

I had the same issue (running on AWS) and discovered our redis port was exposed. You probably had the same. Someone was messing around.

EDIT: The solution: reset your redis password and then (assuming you have it running as a service) restart the service providing the new password

Had the exact same problem running Redis on an AWS instance. I would restart redis-server without any password requirements (#requirepass ''), would work fine for a few hours, then would throw "NOAUTH Authentication required" and eventually would have to restart redis-server.

Checked the Security Groups settings in AWS for the instance and saw port 6379 open to the public ( We limited the port access to our only server that needs to access and haven't seen the issue come up ever since!

P.S. This is my first ever contribution to StackOverflow. Thanks for the help!