RedirectToAction usage in mvc

If you don't want the parameter to be shown in the address bar you will need to persist it somewhere on the server between the redirects. A good place to achieve this is TempData. Here's an example:

public ActionResult Index()
    TempData["nickname"] = Person.nickname;
    return RedirectToAction("profile", "person");

And now on the Profile action you are redirecting to fetch it from TempData:

public ActionResult Profile()
    var nickname = TempData["nickname"] as string;
    if (nickname == null)
        // nickname was not found in TempData.
        // this usually means that the user directly
        // navigated to /person/profile without passing
        // through the other action which would store
        // the nickname in TempData
        throw new HttpException(404);
    return View();

Under the covers TempData uses Session for storage but it will be automatically evicted after the redirect, so the value could be used only once which is what you need: store, redirect, fetch.

this may be solution of problem when TempData gone after refresh the page :-

when first time you get TempData in action method set it in a ViewData & write check as below:

public ActionResult Index()
    TempData["nickname"] = Person.nickname;
    return RedirectToAction("profile", "person");

now on the Profile action :

public ActionResult Profile()
    var nickname = TempData["nickname"] as string;

    if(nickname !=null)

    if (nickname == null && ViewData["nickname"]==null)
        throw new HttpException(404);
        if(nickname == null)

    return View();

The parameter are shown in the URL because that is what the third parameter to RedirectToAction is - the route values.

The default route is {controller}/{action}/{id}

So this code:

return RedirectToAction("profile","person",new { personID = Person.personID});

Will produce the following URL/route:


If you want a cleaner route, like this (for example):


Create a new route:

                new {controller = "Person", action = "Profile"});

And your URL should be clean, like the above.

Alternatively, you may not like to use ID at all, you can use some other unique identifier - like a nickname.

So the URL could be like this:


To do that, just change your route:

                    new {controller = "Person", action = "Profile"});

And your action method:

public ActionResult Profile(string nickname)


And your RedirectToAction code:

return RedirectToAction("profile","person",new { nickname = Person.nickname});

Is that what your after?