RedirectToAction not working at all

you have put 'return' else it won't redirect.

return RedirectToAction("EveryView", "Account");

Humm…difficult to see (or say) what the problem is since the code seems pretty trivial.

Perhaps a little debugging might help! Try creating a new TestController have inside the default Index() ActionResult do this:

return RedirectToAction("EveryView", "Test");

Then, create the EveryView() ActionResult method and set your break point.

public ActionResult EveryView()
    return View();

If you try http://localhost/Test/Index what happens? Does it work?

If that doesn’t work, perhaps you may want to look at your Routes and make sure you have no special Routes define that could make things break.

Alternatively, you could, inside your Global.asax add this method:

protected void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Exception ex = Server.GetLastError();

And set a break point on the line to catch any unknown errors.