RecyclerView that does not scroll and shows all items

The solution of setNestedScrollingEnabled(false) isn't as full as it should: you need to use NestedScrollView instead of ScrollViewfocusableInTouchMode="true" to the child of the NestedScrollView .

If you insist on using ScrollView, you should also set minHeight to the RecyclerView, and also set overScrollMode="never" . In this case, it still isn't a good solution because the minHeight might not be enough in some cases

Other alternative solutions that you should consider:

  1. Replace the ScrollView&RecyclerView with a single RecyclerView, which has views with additional view type for what you had in the ScrollView

  2. Use GridLayout or another layout instead.

It’s pretty simple, simply set the RecyclerView’s height to wrap_content.

You might also benefit from disabling nested scrolling on the recycler view, like so:

RecyclerView recycler = (RecyclerView) findViewById(;