RecyclerView - Scroll To Position Not Working Every Time

The accepted answer will work, but it may also break. The main reason for this issue is that the recycler view may not be ready by the time you ask it to scroll. The best solution for the same is to wait for the recycler view to be ready and then scroll. Luckily android has provided one such option. Below solution is for Kotlin, you can try the java alternative for the same, it will work. {

The post runnable method is available for every View elements and will execute once the view is ready, hence ensuring the code is executed exactly when required.

I had the same issue some weeks ago, and found only a really bad solution to solve it. Had to use a postDelayed with 200-300ms.

new Handler().postDelayed(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
}, 200);

If you found a better solution, please let me know! Good luck!

Turns out I was having a similar issue until I utilized


It would always stay at the top when only putting in the objectlist size. This was until i decided to set the size equal to a variable. Again, that didn't work. Then I assumed that perhaps it was handling an outofboundsexception without telling me. So I subtracted it by 1. Then it worked.