RecyclerView.Adapter onBindViewHolder() gets wrong position

I've noticed that in method onBindViewHolder(VH holder, int position) while the position was comming wrong, the holder.getAdapterPosition() gives me always the correct position.

So I changed my code from:

ItemMes item = mListaItens.get((position));







 ItemMes item = mListaItens.get((holder.getAdapterPosition()));






And everything works well. This is very strange but... Thanks everybody.

Try this code in onBindViewHolder()

int adapterPos=holder.getAdapterPosition();
        if (adapterPos<0){

ItemMes item = mListaItens.get((adapterPos));

Use adapterPos instead of position variable.

Took a look at the adapter code you provided in the comment and it's pretty straightforward. Try this: rather than call notifyItemRemoved(), call notifyDataSetChanged(). This is rather expensive as it will cause your adapter to re-bind the data set (and re-create ViewHolders), but since you're using an ArrayList where you are removing an element, it's really the simplest way to do it. Otherwise you'll have to track the position of the items and when an item is removed it cannot change the position of other items - or handle the case where items shift their position in the data set.