Recursive setTimeout with async/await

Maybe you just need to use some schedule manager, like bree?

As of your code

  1. you don't need IIFE here. Just call setTimeout(() => ticker(1), minutes * 60 * 1000)
  2. change the inner setTimeout call likewise to pass the minutes parameter, because right now you just pass undefined. That means immediately for setTimeout.

It calls it immediately because that's what your code does. It executes the ticker(1) function call immediately.

When you call ticker from the setTimeout(ticker, ...), you aren't passing the minutes parameter to that function - that's why the setTimeout() doesn't delay properly.

If you don't want it executed immediately, then get rid of the IIFE and just start it with a setTimeout(). And, then when you call ticker() from the setTimeout() callback, be sure to pass the minutes arguments to it, either by passing the third argument to setTimeout() or by making a little callback function for it.

Here's one implementation:

async function ticker(minutes) {
  try {
    const res = await
    const { market_cap_percentage } =
    dominance = { btc: market_cap_percentage.btc, eth: market_cap_percentage.eth }
    console.log({ dominance })
  } catch (ex) {
  } finally {
    setTimeout(ticker, minutes * 60 * 1000, minutes);

setTimeout(ticker, minutes * 60 * 1000, 1);