Recommended method to locate the current script?

I've worked for OnlyWire which provides, as their main service, a widget to put on your site.

We use the var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName("script"); var thisScript = scripts[scripts.length - 1]; trick and it seems to work pretty well. Then we use thisScript.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, thisScript); to insert whatever we want before it, in the DOM tree.

I'm not sure I understand why you consider this a "heavy" solution... it doesn't involve iteration, it's a pure cross-browser solution which integrates perfectly.

Either document.write or picking the last script element will work for synchronously loaded scripts in the majority of web pages. However, there are some options I can think of that you did not consider to allow for async loading:

  • Adding a div with class="Locator" before the script. HTML classes has the advantage that duplicates are not invalid. Of course, to handle the multiple widget case, you will want to change the element's class name when done adding the HTML elements so you do not add them twice. (Note that it is also possible for an element to be a member of multiple classes; it is a space-separated list.)

  • Checking the src of each script element can ensure that tracking code (e.g. Google Analytics legacy tracking code) and other scripts loaded at the very end of the page will not prevent your script from working properly when async loading is used. Again, to handle the multiple widget case, you may need to remove the script elements when done with them (i.e. when the desired code has been added to the page).

One final comment I will make (although you may already be aware of this) is that when coding a widget, you need to declare all your variables using var and enclose all your code within: (JSLint can help check this)


This has been called a "self-executing function" and will ensure that variables used in your script do not interfere with the rest of the Web page.

Out of the box : document.currentScript (not supported by IE)

This works with multiple copies of same code on page as well as with dynamically inserted code:

<script type="text/javascript" class="to-run">
    if (self == window) {
        var script = document.querySelector('');
        script.className = '';
    } else {
        // Do real stuff here. self refers to current script element.
        console.log(1, self);