Recode a variable using data.table

I think this might be what you're looking for. On the left hand side of := we name the variables we want to update and on the right hand side we have the expressions we want to update the corresponding variables with.

DT[, c("V1","V2") := .(as.numeric(V1==2), sapply(V2, function(x) {if(x=="A") "T" 
                                                     else if (x=="B") "K" 
                                                     else if (x=="C") "D" }))]

 #   V1 V2 V4
 #1:  0  T  1
 #2:  0  K  2
 #3:  1  D  3
 #4:  0  T  4
 #5:  0  K  5
 #6:  1  D  6
 #7:  0  T  7
 #8:  0  K  8
 #9:  1  D  9
#10:  0  T 10
#11:  0  K 11
#12:  1  D 12

Alternatively, just use recode within data.table:

DT[, c("V1","V2") := .(as.numeric(V1==2), recode(V2, "A" = "T", "B" = "K", "C" = "D"))]

With data.table the recode can be solved with an update on join:

DT[.(V1 = 1:2, to = 0:1), on = "V1", V1 :=]
DT[.(V2 = LETTERS[1:3], to = c("T", "K", "D")), on = "V2", V2 :=]

which converts DT to

    V1 V2 V4
 1:  0  T  1
 2:  0  K  2
 3:  1  D  3
 4:  0  T  4
 5:  0  K  5
 6:  1  D  6
 7:  0  T  7
 8:  0  K  8
 9:  1  D  9
10:  0  T 10
11:  0  K 11
12:  1  D 12

Edit: @Frank suggested to use to be on the safe side.


The expressions .(V1 = 1:2, to = 0:1) and .(V2 = LETTERS[1:3], to = c("T", "K", "D")), resp., create lookup tables on-the-fly.

Alternatively, the lookup tables can be set-up beforehand

lut1 <- data.table(V1 = 1:2, to = 0:1)
lut2 <- data.table(V2 = LETTERS[1:3], to = c("T", "K", "D"))

   V1 to
1:  1  0
2:  2  1
   V2 to
1:  A  T
2:  B  K
3:  C  D

Then, the update joins become

DT[lut1, on = "V1", V1 :=]
DT[lut2, on = "V2", V2 :=]

Edit 2: Answers to How can I use this code dynamically?

mat asked "How can I use this code dynamically?"

So, here is a modified version where the name of column to update is provided as a character variable my_var_name but the lookup tables still are created on-the-fly:

my_var_name <- "V1"
DT[.(from = 1:2, to = 0:1), on = paste0(my_var_name, "==from"), 
   (my_var_name) :=]
my_var_name <- "V2"
DT[.(from = LETTERS[1:3], to = c("T", "K", "D")), on = paste0(my_var_name, "==from"), 
   (my_var_name) :=]

There are 3 points to note:

  1. Instead of naming the first column of the lookup table dynamically it gets a fixed name from. This requires a join between differently named columns (foreign key join). The names of the columns to join on have to be specified via the on parameter.
  2. The on parameter accepts character strings for foreign key joins of the form "V1==from". This string is created dynamically using paste0().
  3. In the expression (my_var_name) :=, the parentheses around the variable my_var_name forces to use the contents of my_var_name.

Dynamic code using pre-defined lookup tables

Now, while the column to recode is specified dynamically by a variable, the lookup tables to use are still hard-coded in the statement which means we have stopped halfways: We need also to select the appropriate lookup table dynamically.

This can be achieved by storing the lookup tables in a list where each list element is named according to the column of DT it is supposed to recode:

 lut_list  <- list(
  V1 = data.table(from = 1:2, to = 0:1),
  V2 = data.table(from = LETTERS[1:3], to = c("T", "K", "D"))
    from    to
   <int> <int>
1:     1     0
2:     2     1

     from     to
   <char> <char>
1:      A      T
2:      B      K
3:      C      D

Now, we can pick the appropriate lookup table from the list dynamically as well:

my_var_name <- "V1"
DT[lut_list[[my_var_name]], on = paste0(my_var_name, "==from"), 
   (my_var_name) :=]

Going one step further, we can recode all relevant columns of DT in a loop:

for (v in intersect(names(lut_list), colnames(DT))) {
  DT[lut_list[[v]], on = paste0(v, "==from"), (v) :=]

Note that DT is updated by reference, i.e., only the affected elements are replaced in place without copying the whole object. So, the for loop is applied iteratively on the same data object. This is a speciality of data.table and will not work with data.frames or tibbles.