Reading Excel in R: how to find the start cell in messy spreadsheets

I haven't found a way to do this elegantly, but I'm very familiar with this problem (getting data from FactSet PA reports -> Excel -> R, right?). I understand different reports have different formats, and this can be a pain.

For a slightly different version of annoyingly formatted spreadsheets, I do the following. It's not the most elegant (it requires two reads of the file) but it works. I like reading the file twice, to make sure the columns are of the correct type, and with good headers. It's easy to mess up column imports, so I'd rather have my code read the file twice than go through and clean up columns myself, and the read_excel defaults, if you start at the right row, are pretty good.

Also, it's worth noting that as of today (2017-04-20), readxl had an update. I installed the new version to see if that would make this very easy, but I don't believe that's the case, although I could be mistaken.


f_path <- file.path("whatever.xlsx")

if (!file.exists(f_path)) {
  f_path <- file.choose()

# I read this twice, temp_read to figure out where the data actually starts...

# Maybe you need something like this - 
#   excel_sheets <- readxl::excel_sheets(f_path)
#   desired_sheet <- which(stringr::str_detect(excel_sheets,"2 Factor Brinson Attribution"))
desired_sheet <- 1
temp_read <- readxl::read_excel(f_path,sheet = desired_sheet)

skip_rows <- NULL
col_skip <- 0
search_string <- "Monthly Returns"
max_cols_to_search <- 10
max_rows_to_search <- 10

# Note, for the - 0, you may need to add/subtract a row if you end up skipping too far later.
while (length(skip_rows) == 0) {
  col_skip <- col_skip + 1
  if (col_skip == max_cols_to_search) break
  skip_rows <- which(stringr::str_detect(temp_read[1:max_rows_to_search,col_skip][[1]],search_string)) - 0


# ... now we re-read from the known good starting point.
real_data <- readxl::read_excel(
  sheet = desired_sheet,
  skip = skip_rows

# You likely don't need this if you start at the right row
# But given that all weird spreadsheets are weird in their own way
# You may want to operate on the col_skip, maybe like so:
# real_data <- real_data %>%
#   select(-(1:col_skip))

Okay, at the format was specified for xls, update from csv to the correctly suggested xls loading.

data <- readxl::read_excel(".../sampleData.xls", col_types = FALSE)

You would get something similar to:

data <- structure(list(V1 = structure(c(6L, 5L, 3L, 7L, 1L, 4L, 2L), .Label = c("", 
"Apr 14", "GROSS PERFROANCE DETAILS", "Mar-14", "MC Pension Fund", 
"MY COMPANY PTY LTD", "updated by JS on 6/4/2017"), class = "factor"), 
    V2 = structure(c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 4L, 3L, 2L), .Label = c("", 
    "0.069%", "0.907%", "Monthly return"), class = "factor")), .Names = c("V1", 
"V2"), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -7L))

then you can dynamincally filter on the "Monthly return" cell and identify your matrix.

targetCell <- which(data == "Monthly return", arr.ind = T)
returns <- data[(targetCell[1] + 1):nrow(data), (targetCell[2] - 1):targetCell[2]]

With a general purpose package like readxl, you'll have to read twice, if you want to enjoy automatic type conversion. I assume you have some sort of upper bound on the number of junk rows at the front? Here I assumed that was 10. I'm iterating over worksheets in one workbook, but the code would look pretty similar if iterating over workbooks. I'd write one function to handle a single worksheet or workbook then use lapply() or purrr::map(). This function will encapsulate the skip-learning read and the "real" read.


two_passes <- function(path, sheet = NULL, n_max = 10) {
  first_pass <- read_excel(path = path, sheet = sheet, n_max = n_max)
  skip <- which(first_pass[[2]] == "Monthly return")
  message("For sheet '", if (is.null(sheet)) 1 else sheet,
          "' we'll skip ", skip, " rows.")  
  read_excel(path, sheet = sheet, skip = skip)

(sheets <- excel_sheets("so.xlsx"))
#> [1] "sheet_one" "sheet_two"
sheets <- setNames(sheets, sheets)
lapply(sheets, two_passes, path = "so.xlsx")
#> For sheet 'sheet_one' we'll skip 4 rows.
#> For sheet 'sheet_two' we'll skip 6 rows.
#> $sheet_one
#> # A tibble: 6 × 2
#>         X__1 `Monthly return`
#>       <dttm>            <dbl>
#> 1 2017-03-14          0.00907
#> 2 2017-04-14          0.00069
#> 3 2017-05-14          0.01890
#> 4 2017-06-14          0.00803
#> 5 2017-07-14         -0.01998
#> 6 2017-08-14          0.00697
#> $sheet_two
#> # A tibble: 6 × 2
#>         X__1 `Monthly return`
#>       <dttm>            <dbl>
#> 1 2017-03-14          0.00907
#> 2 2017-04-14          0.00069
#> 3 2017-05-14          0.01890
#> 4 2017-06-14          0.00803
#> 5 2017-07-14         -0.01998
#> 6 2017-08-14          0.00697

