Reading Esri File Geodatabase (FileGDB) with OGR?

I do not know why you get an error but compare your results with mine. Download first this file

Unzip (it will create a directory) and run ogrinfo

ogrinfo Trecks.gdb
Had to open data source read-only.
INFO: Open of `trecks.gdb'
      using driver `OpenFileGDB' successful.
1: Venedigertreck_3D (3D Multi Line String)
2: Knappentreck_3D (3D Multi Line String)
3: Schobertreck_3D (3D Multi Line String)
4: Lasoerlingtreck_3D (3D Multi Line String)
5: Trecks (3D Multi Line String)
6: Trecks_3D (3D Multi Line String)
7: umbalfaelle (3D Multi Line String)
8: Trecks_fertig (3D Multi Line String)
9: Trecks_3D_fertig (3D Multi Line String)

Select some layer and take a summary report:

ogrinfo Trecks.gdb Knappentreck_3D -so
Had to open data source read-only.
INFO: Open of `Trecks.gdb'
      using driver `OpenFileGDB' successful.

Layer name: Knappentreck_3D
Geometry: 3D Multi Line String
Feature Count: 2
Extent: (148016.066200, 199364.803000) - (152634.006300, 210556.171800)
Layer SRS WKT:
PROJCS["MGI / Austria GK West",

Re-run ogrinfo without -so and you should see all the data.