Read font size from Settings

I just found in the source code of Settings.System this function:

/** @hide */
public static void getConfigurationForUser(ContentResolver cr,
                                       Configuration outConfig, int userHandle) {
    outConfig.fontScale = Settings.System.getFloatForUser(
        cr, FONT_SCALE, outConfig.fontScale, userHandle);
    if (outConfig.fontScale < 0) {
        outConfig.fontScale = 1;

There is however the FONT_SCALE in usage so I checked for that Configuration class where the documentation points to getResources().getConfiguration(). So I cound fix my code by using:

float scale = getResources().getConfiguration().fontScale;

You can set system font according to font scale.

Example: For huge font scale is 2.0 then you can set as follow.

Configuration config = new Configuration();
config.fontScale = 2.0f;

Add "float def" param to the end of the

public static float getFloat(ContentResolver cr, String name, float def)


scale = android.provider.Settings.System.getFloat(getActivity().getContentResolver(),
                                    android.provider.Settings.System.FONT_SCALE, 1f);