Read BloodPressure and BloodGlucose dataSource from google api fitness playground

To get blood pressure and glucose data, you first need to create that data. You see in the get api that your datasource is empty. Here is what you can do to create and get a blood pressure:

  1. Install "Instant Heart Rate Monitor" application from "play store",
  2. Signup using your google account,

  3. Connect "Instant Heart Rate Monitor" application to "Google Fit" (go to Instant Heart Rate Monitor profile and click on Google Fit,...)

  4. Measure your heart bpm using this application. Since this app is now connected with Google Fit, you will have a record in your datasource.

  5. To get this record, have the current epoch time in nanoseconds ( and make the following GET call:

Note that in the above code, 1518561964000000000 is epoch time in nanoseconds and you need to change it to the current time. You can do the same thing for Glucose data with an application that measures blood Glucose :)