Read arguments from command line - error TS2304: Cannot find name 'process'

Update: September 2016

You need to make sure that the type definitions for Node are available. The way to do this depends on which version of TypeScript you are using.

TypeScript 1

Use Typings to install the definitions.

typings install --save --global env~node

Be sure to include typings/index.d.ts in your tsconfig.json file. Either include it in the "files" array:

"files": ["typings/index.d.ts"]

Or ensure it is omitted from the "exclude" array.

TypeScript 2

In TypeScript 2, definitions can be installed via npm under the @types scope.

npm install --save-dev @types/node

Original Answer: February 2016

You have to make sure the appropriate type definitions are available. Use the typings package manager for this. Install the definitions for node as follows:

typings install --save --ambient node

Now, there are a few ways you can make sure the definitions are available to the compiler. The preferred method is to set up your tsconfig file like so:

  "exclude": [

Or, alternatively:

  "files": [

If you are not using a tsconfig file, you can use a reference at the top of your main entry file, like so:

/// <reference path="path/to/typings/main.d.ts" />

This question is at top of Google results when looking for "Cannot find name 'process'", so I'll add my 2 cents to a not-too-unrelated issue here.

If you need to get rid of the error when using if(process.env.NODE_ENV === "production") to strip some code in production with webpack, just add the following declaration before the line:

declare var process: {
   env: {
       NODE_ENV: string