ReactJS - ant design - Fix Footer with Layout

You can try adding position: sticky to your <Header> and <Footer>, and specify the location (i.e. top, bottom) you want them to stick to.

To achieve your goal, you can try:

<Header style={{ position: "sticky", top: "0" }}>

<Footer style={{ position: "sticky", bottom: "0" }}>

Hope that helps, cheers :)

You can use style={{ minHeight: "100vh" }} for Layout component. Works for me. For example like this:

  <Layout style={{ minHeight: "100vh" }}>

you can add {{position: 'sticky'}} and place the Footer outside of the Content

here is an example with sticky footer

I don't believe ant supports this automatically, but you can just set the height of the content div to be 100vh - (header.height + footer.height). So in your example something like this:

   <div style={{ background: "blue", height: "calc(100vh - 55px)" }}>