Reactive Forms: How to add new FormGroup or FormArray into an existing FormGroup at a later point in time in Angular 7/8/9

FormGroup addControl method accepts AbstractControl as parameter which can be either a FormControl or a FormArray or another FormGroup as they all extend AbstractControl.

class FormGroup extends AbstractControl {}

class FormControl extends AbstractControl {}

class FormArray extends AbstractControl {}

FormBuilder can help you building such controls with array() and group() methods:

this.myForm ={
  id: this.fb.control([]),
  authors: this.fb.array(['George Michael', 'Aretha Franklin']),
  metaData:{ description : 'Great Book', publication: 2019})

You still can use the factory afterwards to build the controls you need (no matter what kind of control it is):

                       this.fb.array(['George Michael', 'Aretha Franklin']))
             {description: 'Great Book', publication: 2019}))

You can simply pass the FormArray instead of a FormControl.


Edit: To use existing value

To use the value from the authors array, use this:

authors.forEach(author => {
  (<FormArray>this.form.controls.arr).push(new FormControl(author));


this.myForm.addControl('authors', this.fb.array(['George Michael', 'Aretha Franklin']))