React with TypeScript - define defaultProps in stateless function

I believe a better way than described in the React docs is simply to use Javascript / Typescript default arguments.

There's an answer here: but for convenience, here's an example:

import React, { FC } from "react";

interface CompProps {
  x?: number;
  y?: number;

const Comp: FC<CompProps> = ({ x = 10, y = 20 }) => {
  return <div>{x}, {y}</div>;

export default Comp;

This will allow Typescript to know that you don't have to provide the prop, and also that it will never be "undefined" inside your component

After 2 hours of looking for solution... it's working.

If you want to define defaultProps, your arrow function should look like:

export const CenterBox: React.SFC<CenterBoxProps> = props => {

Then you can define props like:

CenterBox.defaultProps = { someProp: true }

Note that React.SFC is alias for React.StatelessComponent.

I hope that this question (and answer) help somebody. Make sure that you have installed newest React typings.