React vs Angular: Slow rendering with React

This is definitely an interesting test case.

If you take a look at the timelines, you can see that Angular is finished handling the change event in a mere 20ms. The remainder of the time is spent in layout and repaint.

Angular Timeline

React (using a production build, your repo uses dev by default) takes about 59ms. Again, the rest of the time is spent in layout and repaint.

React Timeline

If you take a look at the CPU flame charts, you can see that Angular appears to be doing a lot less work.


Angular CPU Graph


React CPU Graph

React provides a pretty good optimization hook in the form of shouldComponentUpdate that is especially useful when a single instance of a component out of thousands should update and the others should stay the same; it's a technique I use in this demo (try it out in an incognito window; I've found some Chrome extensions make layout/repaint times much higher—for me, adding/removing single elements once the list is 1000 long takes ~13ms, changing the size/color of an element takes ~1ms). However, it does no good when every element needs to update.

My guess is that Angular will be faster at changing most or all of the elements in your table, and React will be quite proficient at updating select entries when using shouldComponentUpdate.

I'm surprised nobody mentioned PureRenderMixin. It implements shouldComponentUpdate so you don't have to worry about it.

Also, I wonder if React Performance Tools would turn up something useful?

And I'm surprised to hear Angular is faster than React after watching this talk from Ryan Florence.