React useCallback linting error missing dependency

You can ignore it if you don't mind the stale closures you can do it that way:

const { useRef, useCallback, useEffect } = React;
const DELAY_SEARCH_MS = 300;
const later = (value, time) =>
  new Promise((resolve) =>
    setTimeout(() => resolve(value), time)
 * Helper to delay request until user stop typing (300ms), support deprecated requests (cancel and helper to not update the state), or unmounted component.
function useInstantSearch(onChange) {
  const timeout = useRef();
  const mounted = useRef(true);
  useEffect(() => {
    return () => {
      mounted.current = false;
  }, []);
  return useCallback(
    (value) => {
      clearTimeout(timeout.current); //cancel other
      timeout.current = setTimeout(() => {
        const current = timeout.current;
          () =>
            //comparing timeout.current with current
            //  async function may not be the last to resolve
            //  this is important when you want to set state based
            //  on an async result that is triggered on user input
            //  user types "a" and then "b" if 2 async searches start
            //  "a" and "ab" and "a" is so slow it will resolve after "ab"
            //  then state result will be set for "ab" first and then with "a"
            //  causing UI to be out of sync because user searched for "ab"
            //  but results for "a" are shown
            timeout.current === current && mounted.current
      }, DELAY_SEARCH_MS);

const App = () => {
  const handler1 = useCallback(
    (value) => console.log('handler1:', value),
  const handler2 = useCallback(
    (value) => console.log('handler2:', value),
  const handler3 = useCallback((value, shouldResolve) => {
    console.log('starting async with:', value);
    return later(
      value.length === 1 ? 1000 : 800
      (resolve) =>
        shouldResolve() &&//you can opt not to set state here
        console.log('resolved with', resolve)
  }, []);
  const debounced1 = useInstantSearch(handler1);
  const debounced2 = useInstantSearch(handler2);
  const debounced3 = useInstantSearch(handler3);
  [1, 2, 3].forEach(
    (num) =>
      setTimeout(() => {
        debounced2(num * 2);
      }, 100) //lower than the 300 of debounce
  //both callbacks will be called but "a" resolves after "ab" since
  //  "ab" was the last to be requested it will be the only one that logs
  //  resolved with
  setTimeout(() => debounced3('a'), 500);
  setTimeout(() => debounced3('ab'), 1500);
  return 'hello world (check console)';

ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById('root'));
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="root"></div>

There may be a solution to your problem but without knowing what useInstantSearch is it's impossible to provide one.

My guess is that you should use useCallback inside useInstantSearch but since that code is missing from your question I can only guess.

Since you're using some external function, you can simply ignore the message:

, []) // eslint-disable-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps

However, you should be using it like:

  const [searchTerm, setSearchTerm] = useState<string>(searchQuery);
  const handleDebouncedSearch = useCallback(() => { // -> this
    useInstantSearch(searchTerm, (search, cancelTrigger, searchStillValid) => {
      console.log('instant search', search);
  }, [searchTerm]); // eslint-disable-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps

Eslint comment is required here because, you're using callback inside useInstantSearch as there's no way to inject them as dependency.