React Tutorial: TypeError: Cannot read property 'props' of undefined

A little late post/answer.

Try to bind your function inside the constructor


this.yourfunction = this.yourfunction.bind(this);

I had the same error message:

Cannot read property 'props' of undefined

...but from a different cause: when this is called from within a function, javascript can not reach the variable because this is in an outer scope. (Note: I was in ES5)

In this case, simply store this in another variable, prior to the function (in the scope of your component): var that = this;

Then you will be able to call that.props from within the function.

Hope this helps for other people who had that error message.

Detailed example below:

render: function() {
  var steps = [];
  var that = this;  // store the reference for later use
  var count = 0;
  this.props.steps.forEach(function(step) {
      steps.push(<Step myFunction={function(){that.props.anotherFunction(count)}}/>);  // here you are
      count += 1;
  return (

Use function declaration ( render() {} or render: function {}) instead of arrow function render: () => {}

var Comment = React.createClass({
  rawMarkup() {
    var rawMarkup = marked(this.props.children.toString(), {sanitize: true});
    return {__html: rawMarkup};

  render() {
    return (
      <div className="comment">
        <h2 className="commentAuthor">
        <span dangerouslySetInnerHtml={this.rawMarkup} />


An arrow function expression has a shorter syntax compared to function expressions and lexically binds the this value (does not bind its own this, arguments, super, or Arrow functions are always anonymous.

I am on ES6 and the arrow function did the trick: rawMarkup = () => {}