React testing library: Test attribute / prop

jest-dom toHaveAttribute assertion asserts item attribute while the test tries to test item prop.

item prop won't necessarily result in item attribute, and since it's non-standard attribute it most probably won't.

react-testing-library propagates functional testing and asserts resulting DOM, this requires to be aware of how components work. As can be seen here, item props results in adding a class to grid element.

All units but tested one should be mocked in unit tests, e.g.:

import GridItem, { OwnProps } from "./GridItem";

jest.mock("@material-ui/core/Grid", () => ({
  default: props => <div data-testid="grid-item" className={props.item && item}/>

Then it could be asserted as:


If someone is still having this issue I solved it this way:

it('Check if it is a materialUI Grid item', () => {
    //Rendering the component in a constant.
    const { container } = render(<YourComponent />); 
    //Accessing the grid wrapper. In this case by the attribute you provided.
    const grid = container.querySelector('[data-testid="grid-item"]'); 
    //What we are expecting the grid to have.  


  1. I noticed that in the code item it's been declared as a string and not as a boolean: item='true', which will trigger a warning when you run the test. item={true} is the correct way of declaring it. Actually in material UI when you write item inside a grid its of course by default true, in my opinion is not necessary.
  2. item is a class inside material UI Grid as the previous answer correctly suggested. So by that the correct class name should be refered in this case is 'MuiGrid-item'.