React state changes when its assigned variable changes

The state changes because your variable a holds a reference to testState. This is a no-op. You should never change it directly and only use the setState function provided by react.

this.setState({ testState: { testValue: "Debugging is awesome" } });

If you don't want to change the state you can use the spread operator:

let a = { ...this.state.testState };

Why does it act this way?

It's because objects and arrays in JavaScript are reference values. Wherever you update its value, it also updates the source. In this case, you'd want to make it immutable. You would do that by assigning a new object. In ES6 this can be done with the spread operator.


let a = { ...this.state.testState };

Further reading

  • Mozilla Web Docs: Spread syntax

You have to deep copy the state if you don't want it to be effected (Object.assign):

  testState: { testValue: "Test State" }

testFn = () => {
    let a;
    a = Object.assign({}, this.state.testState);
    a.testValue = "Debugging is awesome";

Or you can use {...this.state.testState} instead of Object.assign

Note that using the spread operator {...} will not keep the prototype property (instanceof).