React select onChange is not working

Functions that trigger when a component changes should really be defined inside the component itself.

I recommend defining your function inside of your Hello component, and passing this.changeDataType to your onChange attribute, like so:

var Hello = React.createClass({
changeDataType: function() {
render: function() {
    return <select id="data-type" onChange={this.changeDataType}>
           <option selected="selected" value="user" data-type="enum">User</option>
           <option value="HQ center" data-type="text">HQ Center</option>
           <option value="business unit" data-type="boolean">Business Unit</option>
           <option value="note" data-type="date">Try on </option>
           <option value="con" data-type="number">Con</option>

Here is an updated JSFiddle that produces your expected behavior:

onChange takes a function.

You are passing it changeDataType(), which is running the function changeDataType function, and setting onChange to it's return value, which is null.

Try passing the actual function, instead of evaluating the function.

<select id="data-type" onChange={changeDataType}>