React rendering SVG overwrites other SVGs on the page

The issue can be related to the non-unique ids in SVGs.

It is common that svg generators can return content with the same Ids like <mask id="mask0" /> which then is referenced by <g mask="url(#mask0)"/>.

In case you have two different SVGs with the same mask id you will likely to have an issue with rendering two different icons.

The simplest solution is to specify a unique id for each <mask /> and then don't forget to update the reference in <g />.

In my case, the conflict between both SVG was because internally they have the same .className

Two solutions:

  • Change the intern class name in one of them

  • If it is possible (for example if you are using CRA) load one of the svg using <img src'file.svg'>

It would be helpful to see the other SVGs as well, but if they are similar and the id's match, then this is your problem.

    <path id="4eeded6c-befb-41ba-a055-83a9e4ddc009" d="M3.632 3.182H1.091A1.09 1.09 0 0 1 1.09 1h3.322c.467 0 .883.297 1.033.74l4.096 1.09 0 1 1 2.112.545l-1.539 5.96c-.285 1.417-1.625 2.518-3.064 2.51l-8.869-.057c-1.408-.008-2.718-1.073-3.036-2.451L3.632 3.182zM9.272 23a2.191 2.191 0 0 1-2.181-2.201c0-1.216.977-2.2 2.182-2.2s2.181.984 2.181 2.2A2.191 2.191 0 0 1 9.273 23zm10.91 0A2.191 2.191 0 0 1 18 20.799c0-1.216.977-2.2 2.182-2.2s2.181.984 2.181 2.2A2.191 2.191 0 0 1 20.182 23z"/>

You can see that this id get's targetted and reused within the SVG itself here:

    <use xlink:href="#4eeded6c-befb-41ba-a055-83a9e4ddc009"/>

This is a common problem, especially when exporting from apps like photoshop etc. To avoid conflicts when i use svg's I manually change all id's to ensure uniqueness.

If it helps, I've created a code-pen which goes into more examples of how to re-use svg's :

You should to assign different id to each svg icon in your config file. Like this:

// SVG are imported as react components
    test: /\.svg$/,
    use: [
        loader: 'babel-loader',
        loader: 'react-svg-loader',
        options: {
          svgo: {
            plugins: [
                removeTitle: true,
              {cleanupIDs: {
                  prefix: {
                      toString() {
                          this.counter = this.counter || 0;

                          return `id-${this.counter++}`;
            floatPrecision: 3,
    include: paths.svg,