react-redux redirect to other page after login

  1. You can add react-router-redux which will conveniently add all routing info to the Redux state, but also you can use push from react-router-redux by:


    You can access it by

    import { push } from 'react-router-redux'
  2. I think you are not doing anything wrong with JWT. I would abstract your fetch call with the helper function. I assume you need to add your access token to all future requests after authorization, and using helper function you can do it easier and keep you code cleaner.

create a your own history in history.js file using this history library.

import createHistory from 'history/createBrowserHistory'

const history = createHistory()

export default history

Supply it to your router:

<Router history = {history}>.....</Router>

Then you can use this history object to redirect from anywhere. In your action:

import history from './history'