React + Redux, How to render not after each dispatch, but after several?

@Kokovin Vladislav's answer is correct. To add some additional context:

Redux will notify all subscribers after every dispatch. To cut down on re-renders, either dispatch fewer times, or use one of several approaches for "batching" dispatches and notifications. For more info, see the Redux FAQ on update events: .

I also recently wrote a couple of blog posts that relate to this topic. Idiomatic Redux: Thoughts on Thunks, Sagas, Abstraction, and Reusability discusses the pros and cons of using thunks, and summarizes several ways to handle batching of dispatches. Practical Redux Part 6: Connected Lists, Forms, and Performance describes several key aspects to be aware of regarding Redux performance.

Finally, there's several other libraries that can help with batching up store change notifications. See the Store#Store Change Subscriptions section of my Redux addons catalog for a list of relevant addons. In particular, you might be interested in , which will allow you to dispatch an array of actions with only a single notification event.

There are ways to achieve the goal:

Classic way:

usually: Actions describe the fact that something happened, but don't specify how the application's state changes in response. This is the job of reducers. That also means that actions are not setters.

Thus, you could describe what has happened and accumulate changes, and dispatch one action something like:

const multipleAddProp = (changedProps) =>({
   type:'MULTIPLE_ADD_PROP', changedProps

And then react on action in reducer:

const geo=(state,action)=>{
   switch (action.type){
     // apply new props

Another way When rerendering is critical :

then you can consider to limit components, which could be rerendered on state change. For example you can use shouldComponentUpdate to check whether component should be rendered or not. Also you could use reselect, in order to not rerender connected components after calculating derived data...

Non standard way: redux-batched-action

It works something like transaction.

In this example, the subscribers would be notified once:

import { batchActions } from 'redux-batched-actions';

const multiGeoChanges=(...arrayOfActions)=> dispatch => {
    dispatch( batchActions(arrayOfActions) );