react/prop-types eslint error in typescript react component

I ended up rewriting the component as:

const Button = ({ children, onClick }: ButtonProps) => {
  return <button onClick={onClick} style={styles} type="button">

The : React.FC<ButtonProps> part was ignored by eslint so I decided to provide prop types in a more straightforward way

More info to your answer..

Firstly both ways are correct for declaring types, But React.FC has some added benefits.

enter image description here

And in your scenario you may be using eslint-react-plugin which has recommended rules 'plugin:react/recommended' for eslint ,
Rule to check proptypes is one among them, check typescript example.

So react/prop-types rule will conflict with TS Interfaces, which is why it shows that error, once you add : ButtonProps, we don't have to provide React.FC