React Native require(image) returns number

You need to assign image source directly when using require.

  let imgUrl = props.image ? { uri: props.image } : require("../assets/images/image.jpg");
  this.state = { image: imgUrl };

and then in your render:


After some research and some help from @Fawaz and @Haider I understood require returns a number. This means we can use a number directly with source instead of require and it works

<Image source={11} />

This should display an image from your local resource if you have any image corresponding to that number. So when wanting to decide whether to show server sent url or a local resource like in my case. we can go with @Fawaz answer which basically inserts a {uri: "image-link"} or require("image") where require will be resolved to a number and when used with source you will put either the object or number which are the standard ways according to the documentation.