React Native onLayout with React Hooks

You had the right idea, it just needed a couple of tweaks... mainly, handing in the element ref and using elementRef (not elementRef.current) in the useEffect dependency array.

(Regarding useEffect vs useLayoutEffect, as you're only measuring rather than mutating the DOM then I believe useEffect is the way to go, but you can swap it out like-for-like if you need to)

const useDimensions = elementRef => {
   const [dimensions, setDimensions] = useState({ width: 0, height: 0 });
   useEffect(() => {
      const el = elementRef.current;
      setDimensions({ width: el.clientWidth, height: el.clientHeight });
    }, [elementRef]);
    return [dimensions];

Use it like this:

function App() {
  const divRef = useRef(null);
  const [dimensions] = useDimensions(divRef);
  return (
    <div ref={divRef} className="App">
        width: {dimensions.width}, height: {dimensions.height}

Working codesandbox here

Edited to Add React Native version:

For React Native you can use useState with onLayout like this:

const App=()=>{
  const [dimensions, setDimensions] = useState({width:0, height:0})
    return (
      <View onLayout={(event) => {
                const {x, y, width, height} = event.nativeEvent.layout;
                setDimensions({width:width, height:height});
          height: {dimensions.height} width: {dimensions.width}


If you could like a more self-contained version of this here is a custom hook version for React Native:

const useComponentSize = () => {
  const [size, setSize] = useState(null);

  const onLayout = useCallback(event => {
    const { width, height } = event.nativeEvent.layout;
    setSize({ width, height });
  }, []);

  return [size, onLayout];

const Component = () => {
  const [size, onLayout] = useComponentSize();
  return <View onLayout={onLayout} />;

As a refinement to matto1990's answer, and to answer Kerkness's question - here's an example custom hook that supplies the x, y position as well as the layout size:

const useComponentLayout = () => {
  const [layout, setLayout] = React.useState(null);

  const onLayout = React.useCallback(event => {
    const layout = event.nativeEvent.layout;
  }, [])

  return [layout, onLayout]

const Component = () => {
  const [{ height, width, x, y }, onLayout] = useComponentSize();
  return <View onLayout={onLayout} />;