React-Native Image Height (Full Width)

I am new on react-native but I came across this solution using a simple style:

imageStyle: {
  height: 300,
  flex: 1,
  width: null}

Image full width from my 1º App:
Image full width from my 1º App

It worked for me.

My use was very similar in that I needed to display an image with full screen width but maintaining its aspect ratio.

Based on @JasonGaare's answer to use Image.getSize(), I came up with the following implementation:

class PostItem extends React.Component {

  state = {
    imgWidth: 0,
    imgHeight: 0,

  componentDidMount() {

    Image.getSize(this.props.imageUrl, (width, height) => {
      // calculate image width and height 
      const screenWidth = Dimensions.get('window').width
      const scaleFactor = width / screenWidth
      const imageHeight = height / scaleFactor
      this.setState({imgWidth: screenWidth, imgHeight: imageHeight})

  render() {

    const {imgWidth, imgHeight} = this.state

    return (
          style={{width: imgWidth, height: imgHeight}}
          source={{uri: this.props.imageUrl}}
        <Text style={styles.title}>