React Native Expo change default LAN IP

check your pc whether install virtualbox , disable VirtualBox Host-Only Network

go to win pc: Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network Connections

run again command expo start is ok

You can specify the REACT_NATIVE_PACKAGER_HOSTNAME environment variable to use the correct IP address.

If you're using XDE, then make sure to launch it from your project directory with xde . after you've installed the command line tools.

Even after you set the custom ip, you still cannot connect the virtual box.

You need to set a port forward for the virtual mechine at networking setting page.

Just use the real host mechine ip for the app Expo.

 REACT_NATIVE_PACKAGER_HOSTNAME='real host mechine ip' npm start

In windows you can use:


set is only used for one session. If you always wanna use the same ip after reboot you can use: