React native: Android project not found. Maybe run react-native android first?

Open your React Native Project Root Directory and locate android -> app -> build -> intermediates -> signing_config -> debug -> out -> signing-config.json . delete signing-config.json this file try again


1)Sometimes if we have older version of react native and some of newly installed packages dose not support older version. Then you have to update the react native project using react-native upgrade command.

  1. After done updating current project to new version this error should resolved.

I know it is an old question but any of those solutions did not work for me and maybe there are others like me. I solved my problem running this command before run-android

react-native eject

I raised this question and answered myself as I thought it will help others who are facing similar issue. I struggled a lot to find out the real reason behind it as the error shown in terminal was not precise.

To resolve the issue please upgrade the react-native package.

  1. Go to the Project root.

  2. Upgrade the React native package in the Command Prompt by typing :

    react-native upgrade.

  3. Then Accept to update all the Files by typing y (Yes) in the Command Prompt.


Make sure to start the project using command (non-expo):

react-native init <your-project-name>

If existing folder, then follow:

react-native eject

In the latest version of react-native this suggestion comes when you try to issue the command:

react-native eject

Scanning folders for symlinks in D:\ProjectRoot\ReactNativeProjects\AwesomeProject\node_modules (48ms) App name must be defined in the app.json config file to define the project name. It must not contain any spaces or dashes.

Now when you issue the following command:

D:\ProjectRoot\ReactNativeProjects\AwesomeProject>react-native upgrade

The following shows up:

Scanning folders for symlinks in D:\ProjectRoot\ReactNativeProjects\AwesomeProject\node_modules (56ms) You should consider using the new upgrade tool based on Git. It makes upgrades easier by resolving most conflicts automatically. To use it: - Go back to the old version of React Native - Run "npm install -g react-native-git-upgrade" - Run "react-native-git-upgrade" See react-native version in "package.json" doesn't match the installed version in "node_modules". Try running "npm install" to fix this. Aborting.

In the Facebook react-native commands suggestions, there is a clear solution.

These commands check the current version and whether there is update needed or not.

One more solution:

react-native: Command run-android unrecognized. Maybe caused by npm install

Please also see:

Solution to "Expo : cannot find a module LogReporter"