react-native android fontFamily does not take effect

For Android: Custom fonts were added with 0.16.0-rc. So you need to have 0.16.0-rc version first and after that you can just download any fonts from the web.

  1. Put your font files in projectfolder/android/app/src/main/assets/fonts/font_name.ttf
  2. Remember to recompile which is: react-native run-android
  3. And then you can use fontFamily: 'font_name' in your style.

Also note the following restrictions for custom Android fonts in react-native:

  • fonts must be placed in android/app/src/main/assets/fonts
  • only .ttf files are supported
  • The name of the file has to match the fontFamily exactly. For instance, if fontFamily is 'Source Sans Pro', the file must be called Source Sans Pro.ttf (and NOT SourceSansPro.ttf). Any suffixes as mentioned in the following paragraph are automatically removed from the file.
  • When the font is in bold and/or italic, it must use on the following suffixes:
    • _bold (e.g. Source Sans Pro_bold.ttf)
    • _italic
    • _bold_italic