React.js How to render component inside component?

In your example

return (
        <body className="page-landing">
                 <TopPlayers topPlayersData={this.props.topPlayersData} />
                 <RecentGames recentGamesData=    {this.props.recentGamesData}/>

React will only render the top-level custom components PageTop and PageBottom, as you already found out. The other components (TopPlayers and RecentGames) are nested within those components. What does that mean? React does not just display those nested components because it would not know how to do this. Instead, all rendering must be done by the outer components PageTop and PageBottom. React just passes the nested components to them (PageTop gets TopPlayers, PageBottom gets RecentGames) in this.props.children. Now it is up to the outer components what to do with these nested components. In your example, you would modify the PageTop and PageBottom components to use {this.props.children} to display their nested components in a suitable way.

You are right. You can use as many nested components as you want. It's one of the main concepts in react. You can access them in this.props.children. Do it like this:

var Parent = React.createClass({
  render: function() {
    return <div>{this.props.children}</div>;


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