React - Jest - Test preventDefault Action

It seems that you can not mock preventDefault property of the event with react testing library.

Under the hook, fireEvent is calling dispatchEvent, so you can take advantage of the fact that calling event.preventDefault returns false if the event is cancelled:

it("should prevent default action on key down", () => {
   const { getByRole } = render(<App {...props} />);
   const grid = getByRole("app");
   const isPrevented = fireEvent.keyDown(grid);

I found a more explicit way than accepted answer. You can use createEvent from 'react-testing-library' to manually create the event before firing it.

it("should prevent default action on key down", () => {
  const { getByRole } = render(<App {...props} />);
  const grid = getByRole("app");
  const keyDownEvent = createEvent.keyDown(grid);
  fireEvent(grid, keyDownEvent);

I think this method can be reused to test other things than defaultPrevented !