Re-open *scratch* buffer in Emacs?

I add following in my .emacs:

;; bury *scratch* buffer instead of kill it
(defadvice kill-buffer (around kill-buffer-around-advice activate)
  (let ((buffer-to-kill (ad-get-arg 0)))
    (if (equal buffer-to-kill "*scratch*")

If I don't want to see scratch buffer I press C-x C-k , but it doesn't kill it, just place in the end of buffer list, so then I need it next time I don't have to create new one.

There are a whole bunch of tips on this EmacsWiki page.

Here's the first one:

A very simple function to recreate the scratch buffer:

(defun create-scratch-buffer nil
   "create a scratch buffer"
   (switch-to-buffer (get-buffer-create "*scratch*"))

GNU Emacs default bindings:

C-xb *scratch* RET

or, more verbosely

M-x switch-to-buffer *scratch* RET

The *scratch* buffer is the buffer selected upon startup, and has the major mode Lisp Interaction. Note: the mode for the *scratch* buffer is controlled by the variable initial-major-mode.

In general you can create as many "scratch" buffers as you want, and name them however you choose.


switches to a buffer NAME, creating it if it doesn't exist. A new buffer is not associated with a file on disk until you use C-xC-w (or M-x write-file RET) to choose a file where it should be saved.

M-x text-mode RET

changes the current buffer's major mode to Text mode. To find all the modes available (that is, without requiring any new packages), you can get a list by typing:

M-x apropos-command -mode$ RET

