(Re)Define a character within newcommand

I'd define \schwa with a conditional:


  \textit{\transcrtrue #1}%

\newif\iftranscr % starts out false
  \iftranscr\textsuperscript{ə}\else ə\fi

In normal context, \schwa\ appears as it should.

In a different place it needs to be \transcr{sup\schwa rscript}, but it isn't

And then it doesn't appear as it should in normal context anymore: \schwa.


enter image description here

Since \transcrtrue is issued in the group provided by \textit, its effect is confined to it.

A slightly different approach allows for directly using ə (but also \schwa, if you prefer):


  \textit{\transcrtrue #1}%

\newif\iftranscr % starts out false
  \iftranscr\textsuperscript{ə}\else ə\fi
\newcommand{\schwa}{ə} % must be done _after_ \newunicodechar{ə}{...}

In normal context, ə appears as it should.

In a different place it needs to be \transcr{supərscript}, but it isn't

And then it doesn't appear as it should in normal context anymore: ə.


In normal context, \schwa\ appears as it should.

In a different place it needs to be \transcr{sup\schwa rscript}, but it isn't

And then it doesn't appear as it should in normal context anymore: \schwa.


You can also nest conditionals:


  \textit{\transcrtrue #1}%
  \textbf{\phontrue #1}%

\newif\iftranscr % starts out false
\newif\ifphon % starts out false
\newcommand{\schwa}{ə} % must be done _after_ \newunicodechar{ə}{...}

In normal context, ə appears as it should.

In a different place it needs to be \transcr{supərscript}, and it is;        
likewise it could be \phon{supərscript}.

And then it doesn't appear as it should in normal context anymore: ə.


enter image description here

You need to exchange the order of the instructions \textit{#1} and \renewcommand{\schwa}{\textsuperscript{ə}}. In addition, both instructions need to be enclosed in a TeX group to limit the scope of the redefinition of \schwa.


A full MWE:

enter image description here



In normal context, \schwa\ appears as it should.

In a different place it needs to be \transcr{sup\schwa rscript}, and now it does.

And when it reappears in normal context --- \schwa\ --- things are still OK.