Rails: Testing named scopes with RSpec

The creator of RSpec has recently blogged he thinks Validations are behavior, associations are structure. In other words he finds that associations (and scopes) should not nessesarily be tested directly. Tests for these will follow from the behavior you want.

In other words, current wisdom is that there is no need to test each scope directly, since you will cover these associations by testing the behavior of your application.

David Chelimsky testing scopes (updated)

David Chelimsky example, (linked by Sam Peacey's comment), modernised.

# app/models/user.rb

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  scope :admins, -> { where(admin: true) }
# spec/models/user_spec.rb

RSpec.describe User, type: :model do
  describe ".admins" do
    it "includes users with admin flag" do
      admin = User.create!(admin: true)
      expect(User.admins).to include(admin)

    it "excludes users without admin flag" do
      non_admin = User.create(admin: false)
      expect(User.admins).not_to include(non_admin)

This produces a more 'spec-like' output (when using --format documentation):

    includes users with admin flag
    excludes users without admin flag

Note about origination of this answer:

David Chelimsky, the RSpec lead at the time, answered this question and Sam Peacey's link to it has more votes than the actual answer. The answer is not easy to find and follow as he is replying to someone and editing their answer in an email chain. This answer cleans that up and updates the RSpec code as, I guess, he would have written it today.