rails subdomain on localhost

After saving /etc/hosts file, run your rails app like this

rails s -p 3000 -b daycare.no

In a browser


Personally, I use lvh.me:3000 just running

rails s -p 3000 -b lvh.me

no need to touch /etc/hosts file.

By default, you can't browse the link lvh.me:3000 without internet connection, solution is to add lvh.me into host file.

# /etc/hosts file   localhost   lvh.me #make sure lvh.me is after localhost otherwise will not work

But, Its little annoying to run this each time when restarting a server.

Set your custom command:

sudo nano .bash_profile
# OR
sudo nano .bashrc
# OR
sudo nano .profile

And ADD these lines to there:

alias lvh='rails s -p 3000 -b lvh.me'
alias lvh_production='RAILS_ENV=production rails s -p 3000 -b lvh.me' #production

Do not forget restart your terminal tab, close and open new tab OR run this command on the same tab . ~/.bash_profile depends what you have used on top.

Alternate solution is POW (LINK) server can give you custom domain smth like daycare.dev.

I use www.vcap.me:3000

There is no need to do extra configuration before rails 6.

with rails 6, you need to add www.vcap.me to environment configuration:

config.hosts << 'www.vcap.me'

You can use it like this:
