Rails: JS Controller Being Called Twice for Some Reason

I had a recent problem like this before, when I had 2 jquery libraries included. In particular, check that you only have jquery_ujs.js and not jquery.js. Seems like when you include both of them certain js functions are called twice.

Hope this helps!

If Benjamin's suggestion doesn't work, you could go with cheats and hacks and add 1 to some global var on each click (which would happen twice), then use modulus to only trigger your action when (global_counter % 2 == 0).

Just to be clear, this is a terrible solution that you should avoid using if at all possible...

I'm new to rails and had the same problem. It turns out I had:

<%= javascript_include_tag "application" %>

In both my view and in application.html.erb. I removed one of them and voila, fixed.