RabbitMQ: how to limit consuming rate

See 'Fair Dispatch' in RabbitMQ Documentation.

For example in a situation with two workers, when all odd messages are heavy and even messages are light, one worker will be constantly busy and the other one will do hardly any work. Well, RabbitMQ doesn't know anything about that and will still dispatch messages evenly.

This happens because RabbitMQ just dispatches a message when the message enters the queue. It doesn't look at the number of unacknowledged messages for a consumer. It just blindly dispatches every n-th message to the n-th consumer.

In order to defeat that we can use the prefetch method with the value of 1. This tells RabbitMQ not to give more than one message to a worker at a time. Or, in other words, don't dispatch a new message to a worker until it has processed and acknowledged the previous one. Instead, it will dispatch it to the next worker that is not still busy.

I've already found a solution.

I use module nanotimer from npm for calculation delays.

Then I calculate delay = 1 / [message_per_second] in nanoseconds.

Then I consume message with prefetch = 1

Then I calculate really delay as delay - [processing_message_time]

Then I make timeout = really delay before sending ack for the message

It works perfectly. Thanks to all

Implementing a token bucket might help: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Token_bucket

You can write a producer that produces to the "token bucket queue" at a fixed rate with a TTL on the message (maybe expires after a second?) or just set a maximum queue size equal to your rate per second. Consumers that receive a "normal queue" message must also receive a "token bucket queue" message in order to process the message effectively rate limiting the application.

NodeJS + amqplib Example:

var queueName = 'my_token_bucket';
rabbitChannel.assertQueue(queueName, {durable: true, messageTtl: 1000, maxLength: bucket.ratePerSecond});

function writeToken() {
    rabbitChannel.sendToQueue(queueName, new Buffer(new Date().toISOString()), {persistent: true});
    setTimeout(writeToken, 1000 / bucket.ratePerSecond);