R: Vectorize loop to create pairwise matrix

A data.table solution :


    Fruit apple orange pear
1:  apple     0      0    2
2: orange     2      0    1
3:   pear     1      2    0

The Shop index isn't necessary for this example, but will probably improve performance on a larger dataset.

As the question raised many comments on performance, I decided to check what Rcpp could bring:

cppFunction('NumericMatrix rcppPair(DataFrame df) {

std::vector<std::string> Shop = Rcpp::as<std::vector<std::string> >(df["Shop"]);
Rcpp::NumericVector Order = df["Order"];
Rcpp::StringVector Fruit = df["Fruit"];
StringVector FruitLevels = sort_unique(Fruit);
IntegerVector FruitInt = match(Fruit, FruitLevels);
int n  = FruitLevels.length();

std::string currentShop = "";
int order, fruit, i, f;

NumericMatrix result(n,n);
NumericVector fruitOrder(n);

for (i=0;i<Fruit.length();i++){
    if (currentShop != Shop[i]) {
       //Init counter for each shop
       currentShop = Shop[i];
       std::fill(fruitOrder.begin(), fruitOrder.end(), 0);
    order = Order[i];
    fruit = FruitInt[i];
    fruitOrder[fruit-1] = order;
    for (f=0;f<n;f++) {
       if (order > fruitOrder[f] & fruitOrder[f]>0 ) { 
         result(fruit-1,f) = result(fruit-1,f)+1; 
rownames(result) = FruitLevels;
colnames(result) = FruitLevels;


       apple orange pear
apple      0      0    2
orange     2      0    1
pear       1      2    0

On the example dataset, this runs >500 times faster than the data.table solution, probably because it doesn't have the cartesian product problem. This isn't supposed to be robust on wrong input, and expects that shops / order are in ascending order.

Considering the few minutes spent to find the 3 lines of code for the data.table solution, compared to the much longer Rcpp solution / debugging process, I wouldn't recommend to go for Rcpp here unless there's a real performance bottleneck.

Interesting however to remember that if performance is a must, Rcpp might be worth the effort.

Here is an approach that makes simple modifications to make it 5x faster.

loop.function2 <- function(df){

    spl_df = split(df[, c(1L, 3L)], df[[2L]])
    mat <- array(0L,
                 dim=c(length(spl_df), length(spl_df)),
                 dimnames = list(names(spl_df), names(spl_df)))
    for (m in 1:(length(spl_df) - 1L)) {
        xm = spl_df[[m]]
        mShop = xm$Shop
        for (n in ((1+m):length(spl_df))) {
            xn = spl_df[[n]]
            mm = match(mShop, xn$Shop)
            inds = which(!is.na(mm))
            mOrder = xm[inds, "Order"]
            nOrder = xn[mm[inds], "Order"]

            mat[m, n] <- sum(nOrder < mOrder)
            mat[n, m] <- sum(mOrder < nOrder)

There are 3 main concepts:

  1. The original df[df$Fruits == fruits[m], ] lines were inefficient as you would be making the same comparison length(Fruits)^2 times. Instead, we can use split() which means we are only scanning the Fruits once.
  2. There was a lot of use of df$var which will extract the vector during each loop. Here, we place the assignment of xm outside of the inner loop and we try to minimize what we need to subset / extract.
  3. I changed it to be closer to combn as we can re-use our match() condition by doing both sum(xmOrder > xnOrder) and then switching it to sum(xmOrder < xnOrder).


bench::mark(loop.function(df), loop.function2(df))

# A tibble: 2 x 13
##  expression              min median
##  <bch:expr>         <bch:tm> <bch:>
##1 loop.function(df)    3.57ms 4.34ms
##2 loop.function2(df)  677.2us 858.6us

My hunch is that for your larger dataset, @Waldi's data.table solution will be faster. But for smaller datasets, this should be pretty perfomant.

Finally, here's yet another rcpp approach that seems to be slower than @Waldi:

#include <Rcpp.h>
using namespace Rcpp;

// [[Rcpp::export]]
IntegerMatrix loop_function_cpp(List x) {
    int x_size = x.size();
    IntegerMatrix ans(x_size, x_size);
    for (int m = 0; m < x_size - 1; m++) {
        DataFrame xm = x[m];
        CharacterVector mShop = xm[0];
        IntegerVector mOrder = xm[1];
        int nrows = mShop.size();
        for (int n = m + 1; n < x_size; n++) {
            DataFrame xn = x[n];
            CharacterVector nShop = xn[0];
            IntegerVector nOrder = xn[1];
            for (int i = 0; i < nrows; i++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < nrows; j++) {
                    if (mShop[i] == nShop[j]) {
                        if (mOrder[i] > nOrder[j])
                           ans(m, n)++;
                            ans(n, m)++;
loop_wrapper = function(df) {
  loop_function_cpp(split(df[, c(1L, 3L)], df[[2L]]))