R script in Power BI returns date as Microsoft.OleDb.Date

I wandered upon this answer last week and found that it didn't work for me. I'd receive an error from the R script that "character string is not in a standard unambiguous format." I'm assuming this is due to the many updates that have happened with Power BI in the years since the original answer, because as far as I could tell, all dates were in the exact same format (this error did not occur if I ran the data separately in R/RStudio). I figured I'd leave my solution for those who happen upon this like I did.

I did the exact same thing as vestland's solution, except instead of changing the data type to text, I had to change it to a whole number:

1) Edit query. 2) Convert all date columns to "Whole Number." 3) Run R Script, and convert date columns from numbers to date:

In R, this requires that you use as.Date() or lubridate::as_date(), with the origin argument, origin = "1899-12-30" to get the correct date when you convert from whole number back to date. (This is the origin instead of "1900-01-01" because Excel/Power BI don't account for two leap years in early 20th century, I've heard.)

I already provided a solution in the comments, but I'll add a detailed suggestion here as well.

The applied steps in Power BI and the resulting date column should look like this: enter image description here

Here are the details:

  1. After loading the data from the csv file, go to Edit Queries and change the data type to text:

enter image description here

  1. Run the R script

  2. Change the datatype back to date once the script has provided an output.



